Service providers

To be licensed, a competitive service provider (CSP) must demonstrate to the State Corporation Commission that it has the technical and financial capability of providing service to Virginia consumers, and demonstrate that it has access to electricity supply. An aggregator works like a buying club by pooling together larger numbers of customers and then purchasing energy from a CSP on behalf of the whole group. A license may cover the whole state or only the specific service territory of a local distribution company (LDC).

There are two steps a CSP or aggregator must take in order to make competitive offers.

  1. Obtain a license from the SCC. Those that have been licensed are listed on the charts below.
  2. Register with the LDC that delivers electricity in the area where competitive offers may be available. Registration ensures that the process of switching suppliers goes smoothly.

Only those CSPs and aggregators who have completed both steps are ready to make offers. Each CSP and aggregator decides to which consumers it will market and when to begin such marketing.

Key to abbreviations:

LDC Service Territories

AEP-VA = AEP VirginiaAP = Allegheny PowerCON = ConectivDVP = Dominion Virginia Power (northern Virginia only)REC = Rappahannock Electric Cooperative (pilot program only)
Customer Type
R = ResidentialC = CommercialI = Industrial
Competitive Service Providers of Electricity
Updated 3/14/02
Competitive Service ProvidersTelephone & WebsiteCustomer TypeRegistered in LDC Service Territories
AEP Retail Energy866-823-6738   R, C, I  
AES NewEnergy, Inc.888-638-8900   C, I DVP (pending) 
Allegheny Energy Supply Co.888-232-4642   R, C, I  
Amerada Hess Corporation757-437-3097   C, I  
America’s Energy Alliance888-627-7283
R, C, I  
Cook Inlet Power, LP310-789-2300   C, I DVP (pending) 
Dominion Retail, Inc.800-324-4954   R, C, I DVP 
Old Mill Power Company877-222-9288   R, C, I DVP (pending)
CON (pending) 
Pepco Energy Services800-ENERGY9 (363-7499)
R, C, I DVP 
Select Energy, Inc.800-810-5678   C, I  
The New Power Company800-639-7693
R, C DVP (pending) 
Washington Gas Energy Services888-236-9437
R, C, I DVP (pending) 
Aggregators of Electricty
Updated 3/14/02
AggregatorsTelephone & WebsiteCustomer TypeRegistered in LDC Service Territories
AEP Retail Energy866-823-6738     R, C, I  
AES NewEnergy, Inc.888-638-8900     C, I DVP (pending) 
Amerada Hess Corporation757-437-3097     C, I  
America’s Energy Alliance888-627-7283  
R, C, I  
AOBA Alliance, Inc.202-296-3390      
Dominion Retail, Inc.800-324-4954     R, C, I DVP 
Energy Consultants, Inc.800-925-3200  
Energy Window, Inc.877-444-0087     R, C, I DVP 
Old Mill Power Company877-222-9288     R, C, I DVP (pending) 
Pepco Energy Services800-ENERGY9 (363-7499)  
R, C, I DVP 
The New Power Company800-639-7693  
R, C DVP (pending) 
Virginia Energy Consortium866-602-1001     C, I  

Shopping Tip

For comparison pricing information, the following resource may be helpful to consumers. The SCC neither endorses nor accepts responsibility for the content or the accuracy of the information provided.

Wattage Monitor or call 1-888-WATTAGE

For additional information, please call Virginia Energy Choice toll-free at 1-877-YES2004, e-mail Virginia Energy Choice, or write Virginia Energy Choice c/o State Corporation Commission, P.O. Box 1197, Richmond, Virginia 23218.