Consumer education advertising

You must have a media player installed on your computer to view the television ads and listen to the radio ads below. If you do not already have a media player installed, you can download the free Windows Media Player. Because of their large file size, when downloading the television ads you might want to click the “pause” button on your media player and wait to view the ad until it is fully downloaded.

Television ads
 30 seconds
 MPEG video
 4.41 MB
 30 seconds
 MPEG video
 4.41 MB
Radio ads
 60 seconds
 WAV file
 60 seconds
 WAV file
Newspaper ads
“Power to Learn”
 PDF file
“Power to Know”
 PDF file
“Power to Decide”
 PDF file
Billboard ad
“Power to Decide”

For additional information, please call Virginia Energy Choice toll-free at 1-877-YES2004, e-mail Virginia Energy Choice, or write Virginia Energy Choice c/o State Corporation Commission, P.O. Box 1197, Richmond, Virginia 23218.