Shopping for a supplier based on price involves a little homework. Prices are based on different criteria, but the calculator on this page will help you compare the details about each supplier’s price. For example, there may be one fixed price for your entire contract. Or, the price may change depending on how much energy you use in a certain period of time, during different times of day or months of the year.
Calculator for Comparing Energy Prices
What you need to get started:
- Take the annual price to compare from you current electric or natural gas company and enter it in the box beside “Current Price to Compare.”
- Enter the competitive service provider’s offer price in the next box.
- Enter the number of kilowatt-hours or Ccf/Therms in the box that corresponds with “Energy Used in Past 12 Months.”
- Click on the calculate button to see how the prices compare.
* Stated on your bill or obtained from your local distribution company.
** Some competitive service providers suppliers may offer a price that is higher than your Price to Compare, but other aspects of the offer beyond price may influence your decision.
For additional information, please call Virginia Energy Choice toll-free at 1-877-YES2004, e-mail Virginia Energy Choice, or write Virginia Energy Choice c/o State Corporation Commission, P.O. Box 1197, Richmond, Virginia 23218.